The web resource that you requested requires you to activate your account. In order to do this you will need to authenticate your Lyon 1 account using the SESAME website. You can also use the SESAME website to change your password.
If you are a student:
your identifier is your student number, the first digit of which is replaced by P (if the 1st digit is 1) or X (if the 1st digit is 9) or W (if the 1st digit is 8).
If you are a staff member:
your identifier is in the form 'firstname.lastname' without the accent.Your password is the one you must have defined in the SESAME application.
Tip: To be on the safe side, your password must include at least 8 characters, at least one upper-case letter, one lower-case letter and one number.If your account is already activated and you still cannot identify yourself, please contact the IT hotline on or 371.55 from your internal phone.
If your account is working, you can then go on to signal a computer incident at Help IT website